The legendary PC-in-a-c modder returns with a solution to those needing more USB ports - shove 'em in a GBA! Have a spare GameBoy Advance sitting in a lonely cupboard somewhere? Then with some clever modding and a handful of magic dust you have a working USB hub for your peripheral needs. This is a nice clean usb hub mod that makes good retro use of a great system that only needed a backlight to be perfect. With all those used GBAs floating around this would be a nice way to honor them.
R2D2 is our only hope!

"Obsession is something that makes you do so crazy thing and once in a while it leads to a grand outcome. Brian De Vitis( Engineering student) modified a R2-D2-shaped cooler into a Star Warsgaming rig that holds motherboards of Eight gaming consoles. Right from PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendoto the DreamCast, Sega Gensis, Ultra64, Gamecube and SNES; its bundled up for just one thing and that’s gaming . The inputs for the controllers and adapters are arranged very scrupulously inside the rig. If you thought that was all, then let me surprise you even more, it has one projector and sound system also."
originally posted @
N64 Cart Analog Clock
Before I get back into full swing it's time for a warm up excerise. As if by fate I was in need of a clock. We start by removing the ugly sports label that came with this bargin bin monster and remove the security bit (see previous posts). Then it is best to drill a hole from the front through the back. Inside you'll find a small plastic nub that will need to be sanded down flat. Get out the magical hot glue and secure the analog clock unit through the hole you drilled and bam! Thats right add a little bam! Or in this case some clock arms.
Back to the Roots
After a three month hiatus I have returned. I realized that if someone had stumbled upon this blog and had never heard the name Ben Heck I would be committing a grave injustice. Long before the retrolution Ben Heck was turning Ataris' into portable systems and making a Bill Paxton pinball machine. My point is you must checkout the orginal retrotizer, Ben Heck @
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