So I am on a personal mission to collect video game systems ( I've hit the age of more collecting and not as much playing). At a rate of about two a year, I am starting with systems that I have never owned. Enter the Sgea Saturn. (enter gong sound here) I didn't think much of the initial setup screen (shown on the left...no...the left) until it showed itself after the second and third boot. Right away I know there's a dried up battery in there somewhere. But where? Wisdom has taught me, finally, to do some recon before reaching for the chainsaw. Come to find out it's easy peasy. If one were to hold the Saturn while facing the rear of the unit there's a secret door the size of titan on the left....shown open on the picture to the right....This calculator sized battery known to men of science as CR2032, can be bought at any WalMart for a few bucks. There is a place to slide your hydrospanner or fingernail under it and pop it out. Repeat the process in reverse. Rinse. On a side note, the next Sega system known to everyone as the Dreamcast also uses CR2032 in its Virtual Memory Units (VMU). -kaokensho