This guys turned out way better than mine did. Don't get me wrong mine looks great but
site. There are several other posts and sites out there involving the same idea but this
is the only one I could find without broken links.
Items needed:
1 Tri-wing screw driver. (just google tri-wing to find one to buy)
1 LED color of your choice (3mm)
1 12v resistor (if you care about battery life)
1 nunchuck
1 15watt soldering iron
electrical tape
First use your Tir-wing screw driver to unscrew the nunchuck. Force off the top as it has 2 clips that it connects to. (kaokensho note for the novice: search ebay for bulk deals on tri-wing screw drivers + NDS hinges or something like that. Chances are you can get a tri-wing + parts for the same price as buying it by itself.)
Second, bend your LED to look like picture one (the long leg of the LED is the positive ( + ) on and the short is the negative ( - ) . If you want to save battery power, cut some of a leg off and add a resistor to it. Place a piece of electrical tape on the nunchuck PCB board to avoid shorts.
(kaokensho note for the novice: the longer lead of your LED goes to the positive. Also notice that there is electrical tape over the board to prevent any shorts!)
Then you are going to solder the legs of the LED to the test points on the nunchuck that I have pointed out for you (if you have trouble with the small test points i have listed alternates). Plug the nunchuck into your wiimote to test it out.
If you get your light to well... light up, you've done it right. Put the guts of your nuchuck back into its body and screw it back in. And thats it!!!!