Reliving the golden days of video gaming through hardware mods, repair and restoration.
Redstone Lamp
So how is this old gaming? It's Minecraft! And it's my blog too. I purchased a "Krafty Block" at my local craft store ( amazon sells then but for more ca$h ). This one is 7 inches, the larger of the two sizes. I printed out the best red stone pic I could Google and printed two copies,one on an 80# card stock and the other on a plain stock bright white paper. Carefully using an exacto knife and my wife's old cutting board, remove the "red" colored areas. Now you have two choices. One is to use a strong adhesive like rubber cement and glue the two sheets together lined up as close as possible ( hold them up to a light source ). Then you just have to glue the set of sheets to the glass block and insert a string of 100 count Christmas lights. The second option is to take your two sheets and have them "lami-labeled" which is just a heat activated lamination with an adhesive on the back. Your local copy shop, Staples, or Kinkos can provide the service for around four or five bucks. This laminated method will last longer. I also bought some of these little switched from the glorious Home Depot to take the hassle out unplugging them all the time. -kaokensho
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