Like most thirty-something nerds my first system was an original NES. That said it's traveled thousands of miles and survived two horrible coats of spray paint. Now I've dug it out with the intent to make it better than ever. After running a google image searching and seeing the truly amazing things that some people have done I'm going to keep mine a bit modest. Two great books worth reading are Game Console Hacking and Hacking Video Game Consoles: Turn your old video game systems into awesome new portables. From the first book I got the idea to exchange the power light LED. You can pretty much swap any color for another. However, each color uses a different voltage so the actual brightness varies depending on the circuit. Step one is to open the unit by removing six Phillip's head screws at it's base. Then remove the RF shield revealing the cartridge caddy. Now behold the glorious inner workings of 1985. To the left on the front of the unit are the power and reset buttons. The buttons and our target LED light are secured to a small circuit board held by two screws. Remove it and begin desoldering the old and swap it with the new. Take to notice which lead on your new LED is the short one (the negative end - ) and to test that before you reassemble the unit. Green is so awesome. For Part 2 I'll have to get some power tools out so don't wait up for it!
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